Joy of Taste

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Nutritional Therapy optimising individuals' quality of life and to consider health as a commodity that is worth investing in


The Dutch test - Hormonal Testing



Considered the gold standard for hormone testing DUTCH means “Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones” and it is a lab testing process that gives you valuable insight into your hormones and to understand what could be driving your symptoms.

DUTCH tests are posted to your home and then returned to a lab for analysis. Joy of Taste offer DUTCH tests, analysis and appointments to bring your hormones into balance. 

Which DUTCH test is right for you?

The DUTCH Plus – This test is ideal for those struggling with  fatigue issues including Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, ME or Post Viral Syndrome as this provides more detail on how the stress response is working.

The DUTCH Plus includes all of the DUTCH Complete above and adds the cortisol awakening response (CAR). This test requires saliva samples as well as urine samples. By collecting saliva samples immediately after waking and in the minutes and hours following you can evaluate cortisol and the stress response in a way that cannot be assessed through urine alone.


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What will a DUTCH Test tell me?

  • Your levels of oestrogen, progesterone, testosterone and the precursor hormone DHEA.

  • How you body detoxifies and recycles hormones such as oestrogen.

  • Your levels of stress hormone cortisol and your sleep hormone melatonin.

  • Your levels of B12, B6, and glutathione - essentially these support the hormones being detoxed effectively, which is beneficial for the hormone cycle

DUTCH complete This is the flagship DUTCH Test. This is the standard test we recommend for everyone and gives a comprehensive assessment of

  • sex hormones including oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone 

  • adrenal hormone 

  • vitamin levels including B12 and B6

  • serotonin and melatonin levels 

  • gut-health indicators

  • how the body is detoxing hormones and by which pathway


Should you do a DUTCH hormone test?

If you are suffering from a hormonal imbalance you may be presenting with symptoms such as abnormal menstruation (heavy, painful periods), PMS, headaches, decreased sex drive, bloating, mood swings, fatigue, anxiety and depression, breast tenderness, endometriosis, fibroids, acne, PCOS, hormonal weight gain.

For menopause and when utilising HRT to look at how your body is managing your hormomes.

DUTCH Cycle Mapping – This test analyses the full monthly menstrual cycle. and is ideal for those with  irregular or absent menstrual cycles and fertility issues.

This test collects nine targeted oestrogen and progesterone measurements from urine every day of the month to plot out what is happening in the follicular, ovulatory, and luteal phases.

Included in the cycle mapping, is the DUTCH Plus above to provide a comprehensive evaluation of your hormones.

If you want to analyse adrenal health and cortisol function, please add an adrenal stress test to this order.


Booking a discovery call allows you to make sure that you are pursuing the right path for your health. During the zoom call, Susan will assess your health history and create the correct course of action for you on what is needed, this may involve:

Functional lab tests

Coaching on nutrition and lifestyle

A review of your present nutrition and lifestyle

nutritional supplements personalised to you

An open discussion around your hormonal questions

This session de-mystifies the process, and what is happening with your health and gives us a clear path of getting your hormones back on track